Thursday, March 24, 2005


March 9, 2005

It's 1 AM and I have to work tomorrow and I've spent the past 2 or so hours trying to get a damn blog to publish itself on this page. And it's not working. I am extremely frustrated.

As you can see from the home page I'm in the middle of working on the site. I'm trying to get some cool backgrounds together - that wasn't working earlier either. But at least I'm finally updating the site. It's been a while.

For all my Spanish fans, listen to cielo liquido. It's a radio station somewhere in Spain and they've been playing The Ultraviolet Effect. Which is excellent.

Work is coming along slooooow on the new EP to be released on Sundays in Spring, a Belgian netlabel. I could give you myriad excuses but I won't. I promise it will be done soon. And it will be good. Oh yes. At least it has a title: Blood Pressure. I'll let that sink in. Just thinking about the name makes me want to work on it... tomorrow, maybe.

I promise I'll finish updating the site soon.

January 8
And it's 2005. I spent a 10 day vacation in Ohio during which the temperature varied by 50 degrees. Santa was very nice this year, I got four packages of Big League Chew (which I specifically asked for). It's been raining ever since I got back in LA. I feel like I need another vacation already.

There are two new reviews up, both to be found at They're in French, so I don't know what they say, but the author gave me some feedback: about the 1st EP: "I didn't like it." About Rising Wildfires: "I loved it." Seriously, this is what he told me. Good news: he invited me to be a part of his netlabel Sundays in Spring. I'm currently working on a 5 or 6 song EP for it, I'm hoping to finish around mid-March.

The long-awaited and nearly mythical Lost on Purpose/Woody Whatever split EP will sort of happen. I have agreed to lay down the basic tracks for several songs and Erik (of WW) is going to produce and mix them. It's going to be another EP, look for that by the end of April.

If you live in LA you can now purchase The Ultraviolet Effect at Sea Level Records and it will soon be stocked at Amoeba. Everyone else, visit the music page for a streamlined ordering procedure via PayPal. There are more songs up there as well.

November 27
Copies of the new EP The Ultraviolet Effect are circling the globe as we speak, on their way to indie labels, reviewers, radio stations and fans. Thank you to everyone who's bought one so far, your support means a lot to a small outfit like us.

Other than that things are moving pretty slow around here. There's been lots of rain and traveling and turkey. I'm proud to say there's now a video for "Right On", which is currently in post-production. It's looking hot.

I hadn't been planning on recording a new album for release, but I've kinda got the itch. So don't be surprised if a new EP is announced within the next couple months.

October 12
First of all, happy birthday Mom!

Second, we've got our first show (not counting the Shmatfest party) coming up October 20 at The Scene in Glendale at 806 East Colorado St. Show starts at 9, we're on at 9:45. $5 and 21+, I can't tell you how excited we are.

The Ultraviolet Effect EP is actually out. Yes, it finally exists. It's pretty and it sounds good, what more could you possibly ask for?

We're going to try to get a couple more shows before everybody hibernates for the holidays, check back regularly and/or check out our MySpace site ( for info.

August 24
Wow. Wow. Wow. My last post is hilarious, cause I was mad that I went a month without an update. And now here is the next update, over two months later. But it's not my fault. I moved at the beginning of July and one of my new roommates hadn't paid the internet bill in 6 months so they shut that down big time. I just got DSL access today. And I can't believe how helpless and lost I am without the internet. A few days ago I found out that this site was all messed up and only two pages worked so this really happened in the nick of time. I'm officially back baby.

A ton of stuff has happened in these two months. First of all, I moved. No more Hollywood, but hello downtown LA. Second, The Ultraviolet Effect has somehow still not been released. Due to the much larger scale of this release I'm forced to work with several other parties to put it all together instead of the completely self-produced process of the earlier albums, and it takes a lot of time to work everything out. But seriously, it's almost finished. Well, the music has been finished for a long time, but the mastering, duplication, and design work is all just about wrapping up as we speak. So hooray for that. Check the music page for ordering info.

Thirdly, and most importantly, Lost on Purpose is a band. Denton Clayton has joined on bass and Jody Abbott is keeping time on the drums and our first show is this Saturday, August 28. We're playing at the second annual Shmatfest, a party for the great Shmat Records in Alhambra, CA. We're looking at a four song set right now, comprised of the song 'Friends' from the 1st EP, two tracks from the new EP, and one new song. It's sounding better every time we rehearse so I'm pretty happy. For those of you in Los Angeles - keep your ears and eyes out for Lost on Purpose shows in the coming months.

That's all for now, I'm gonna work on the rest of the site. But we're back in business so check back regularly.

June 20
Wow, I totally didn't intend on going this long without an update, but there were some unavoidable delays. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like The Ultraviolet Effect EP will get released on June 23 as intended, but for good reason: the scale of the release has been ramped up and will feature full packaging by the Little Jacket design group - I spent last weekend doing business with them in Ohio, another reason for the delay. Anyhow, the release will only be delayed by a week or two so go ahead and get your advance orders in at the music page... only $3 postage paid for beautiful indie music.

As soon as The Ultraviolet Effect gets wrapped up I'll shift my focus to putting the Lost on Purpose band together. You might not expect it from listening to the songs, but I think it's going to be a three piece - I really don't want to bother with getting a second guitarist up to speed, it'll take forever. I figure I'll just pick one up along the way once we're an established band. Oh, and the split EP with Woody Whatever... three songs each, I've got a few of them worked out, it should be great. Exciting things are on the horizon my friends.

Excerpts from Jeremy Schmall's "Wartime Poetry" are now up on the Friends page. Check it out, it's excellent.
New songs are up on the music page. Let me know what you think.
A couple new reviews are up; check out the great one done by Shmat Records.


May 24
In my last post I vowed that Lost on Purpose would soon be heard on indie radio... little did I know that I had already accomplished this! A few days after posting it I found out that Lost on Purpose is on WBER in Rochester, NY, who have been playing 'Friends' (off the Emo Diaries compilation) on their indie show. Click this link to check out their website, where you can stream the show and request the song.

In other news, the release date for the new EP draws ever nearer. June 23 is going to be it, but advance copies will be available if you ask politely. Also it officially has a name: The Ultraviolet Effect. If you know what that refers to (without looking it up on the internet) I'll send you a free copy. We're on the honor system here people. A rough mix of the song 'Right on' is up for download on the music page. Let me know what you think.

Come join Lost on Purpose on MySpace! It's like Friendster, only better. And if you don't know what Friendster is, you're probably from Ohio. Just use the e-mail address to search for me, and I'm yours.

A rehearsal space has been procured, and the search for a drummer will begin just as soon as I find a new place to live...

You may have noticed a new link up above to a page called 'friends'. No, this does not refer to the LOP song, but rather a page that will eventually feature both permanent and temporary art, music, poetry, a record label, and other forms of expression by unknown and underappreciated artists who I have come to know over the years. There will also be an indie music review section, so if you'd like some critique by that rarest of creatures, the online reviewer with an actual command of the English language, send your CDs to:
Attn: Reviews
1652 Westwood
Columbus, OH 43212
No, these will not come to me, but rather to my esteemed colleague and professional writer, Jeremy Schmall.

Other changes:
Updated the ordering info cause demand has been a little too high for me to keep up with. 1st is still free though.
There's another positive review of 'friends' on the press page.
Got some new links up to some great bands.

May 11
Reviews continue to pour in and they're all good (so check them out), including some for the Emo Diaries compilation. You can buy it pretty much anywhere online: Amazon, Best Buy, Deep Elm, you name it.

The new (still untitled) EP is going to be great. I am telling you this right now. Get excited, it will kick your ass. What's that? You say I'm being a cocky, braggadocios ass? Damn right, and I'm gonna back it up. Mark my words. Plus there are only going to be five songs, and unlike the previous two releases I'm slaving away getting everything to sound just right. It's going to be a big release, and you will hear it on indie radio stations. This I promise.

Check out the music page for a nearly completed song that will probably be on the EP.

I put up some information for ordering 1st and Rising Wildfires on the music page. Guess what, they're free.

Lost on Purpose: The Band will soon be a reality. A bassist (with a secret identity) has signed on, and a drummer search will begin soon. I can't tell you how excited I am for this. If you like my songs now, just wait.

Finally, there will be a split EP with Woody Whatever. It won't be out before the new EP though, so expect it sometime in July. Six songs of lo-fi indie madness from two up-and-coming artists. West Coast vs East Temperate Plain. Don't miss out.

April 28
The Deep Elm compilation Emo Diaries is out now - pick up a copy for $10. It's really good, and I'm not just saying that because I'm on it. I've got about 57 copies right now so if you're cheap (like me) and you think you can get on my good side then go ahead and write me and I may just send you one for free.

No news on the EP, I've been sidetracked for the past couple months but should soon be, uh, back on track. What's finished so far is probably my best stuff yet. I'm excited. You should be too.

April 6
I finally found a job out here in LA which is not an easy task (just ask Mike Dwyer). Life is officially back on track.

March 10
Deep Elm Records' Emo Diaries Chapter 10: The Hope I Hide Inside can be preordered by clicking here. There are a lot of cool international bands on the CD so try to check it out. I honestly have no idea how I ended up on an emo compilation, but I'm excited about it nonetheless.

Work is underway on the next Lost on Purpose release, which is (probably) going to be a five-song EP entitled The Ultraviolet Effect. I'm focused on making it far superior to the previous releases, both in audio quality and sonic arrangement. I'm excited by a lot of the new stuff I've been working on so I'm going to take my time and hopefully deliver a knockout.

Also, the split EP with Woody Whatever is still in a holding pattern. Now it's my fault, the songs I had designated for the EP are no longer "doing it for me," so it's back to the drawing boards. I've been working on a lot of new songs so hopefully we can get that out in a month or so.

Updates to the website include:
a new song is up on the music page... believe it or not Lost on Purpose covers Outkast. Yes I'm serious.
Pictures added to the bio page
A new review is up at

February 15
Happy Birthday Christy!

The website is finally up in its entirety.

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