Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Wow, it's almost been a month since my last post. What's happened since then...

I went home to Ohio for the holidays.

Not much else.

I had a good sports week while in Ohio: I saw the Cavs beat Chicago, then I watched them beat the (formerly) 24-3 Detriot Pistons on TV, the Browns beat arch-nemesis Baltimore (I'll ignore the previous week's beat down handed out by former arch-nemesis Pittsburgh), and Ohio State won big over Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl (best game of the week). I know a lot of you music lovers care about sports. Really.

I've also mailed out a bunch of copies of the new CD to reviewers, radio stations, labels etc, so it will be a good 6 months before I hear anything from them.

I have a short soundtrack to work on for the time being (for a super top secret project), but without promising anything, I think there will be more music coming to the site in the next few months.

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