Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Fresh off a trip to IKEA, I now have a matching desk and bookshelf. I didn't plan on them matching, they were just the cheapest things there and happened to be of the same style - 'Flaarke' - which must mean 'cheap bastard' in Swedish. But now I have more space, a newly-formatted hard drive and operating system for my recording computer, so all systems are go for the new album. I am planning (honestly) on putting up some demos soon. Also I'm working on a song for a friend's poetry mag so I'll have that up by the end of the month.

In other news, City-State has found a new guitarist/keyboardist/tech guy and we are very, very excited about the possibilities. Looking forward to the Spaceland show on the 28th. That's August 28th, at Spaceland in Silverlake, at 9:00 sharp. Come early and get the good parking. You know you want to.

1 comment:

  1. Of course, I want the free parking...Casey and I will be there! WOO-HOO!!!
