For some reason it is very, very easy for me to write posts for my new sports-related blog, but very hard to think of anything to write for this site. I guess since there is no pressing LOP news I'd rather not write a post about something random, like what I ate for lunch. That would not be very entertaining (particularly not today).
Well, Bioshock is easily one of the best games I've ever played. It's way up there. So is Rock Band.
In fact, when I first bought my Xbox 360 I half-jokingly thought to myself, 'there goes my free time for working on music'. But in learning to play the drums in Rock Band - in making the new neural connections, in cranking the gears in my mind - the opposite has come true. I've been writing and recording more than ever. In fact, I'm thinking about shopping around a new EP to some netlabels soon. No joke.
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