Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Movies and Music

I never, ever, ever watch movies, but I just watched 5 in three days. That's more than I've seen in the past year. All were pretty good:

Glengarry GlenRoss
Roger Dodger
No Country for Old Men
There Will Be Blood
Two-Lane Blacktop

Glengarry GlenRoss is just plain solid. It's a classic for good reason.

Roger Dodger is surprisingly dark considering the subject matter. At first I was opposed to the cinematography, but it grows on you as the story progresses.

I had somewhat low expectations for No Country, as my filmmaking buddies all thought it was 3/4 of an incredible movie. I thought it exceeded my expectations.

The same filmmaking buddies think There Will Be Blood is nearly perfect, so I had super high expectations for it, which it just about met. Frankly, I can't think of anything the movie did wrong, but I wouldn't say it resonated with me as much as I had hoped.

I've also been listening to tons of new music (for me at least):

Coldplay - Viva la Vida
Weezer - Red Album
Sigur Ros - whatever the new album is called
Explosions in the Sky - Those Who Know the Truth Shall Die... (not new)
Fleet Foxes - Sun Giant
Tokyo Police Club - Elephant Shell

I haven't listened to all of them enough to proscribe judgment. I will say that I've had the Explosions record for a long time, and I listened to it a bunch at first, then forgot about it for a couple years. Now I am waaaaay into it - it's unbelievable. Yasmin the Light is a perfect song. Just Perfect.

Working on some new demos, but heading out of town this weekend. Plus I'm sick, making vocals dicey.

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