Monday, March 31, 2008


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A New Era

This is going to be a great post.

First of all, the above picture is the newest member of Lost on Purpose... and I think I can die now. I wanted to play the drums long before I ever thought of playing guitar, and thanks to my Rock Band skills I decided I was finally ready to take the plunge, thus fulfilling a lifelong goal. I played for four straight hours on Sunday. These things are bad ass.

Also of note, Euradionantes (a radio station in Nantes) has added three LOP tracks to their playlist: a pencil without lead, return and the 70s. Perhaps this will precede a Fall European tour? I think I could get away with that.

Will post when the songs start getting played. It's a good station though, so I recommend checking it out immediately.

Lastly, I've pretty much finished that soundtrack I keep mentioning. Now you can check out my Reason skills:

The Quest

There's a gap in the middle where it kind of dies down, so feel free to fast forward through that.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Appropriately blurry

Wow, I wish I had some French speaking friends because there's another review up that I don't understand. This one is at the wonderful site Octopus: le journal en ligne des musiques libres et inventives.

Nearly finished with the soundtrack. I should have it posted early next week. 8 minutes of bliss (really it should be called 'how I learned to use Reason').

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Almost there

Nearly finished with the score for my friends' film. That, and a few visits from friends and family, has been taking up all my free time recently.

For whatever reason I've become obsessed with a few songs. It started two months ago with "I Stand Corrected" and "Wolcott" by Vampire Weekend, then transitioned (big time) to one of my favorite songs of all time, "Let Down" by Radiohead. Then I listened to "Med Blodnasir" by Sigur Ros in my car ad nauseum, and today on the way to work it was "Tired of Sex" by Weezer three times in a row... and it's going to be three more times on the way back home. What the hell is wrong with me?

Also, I've become a gardening fiend once again, although I'm avoiding the pitfalls that I stumbled over last year. And I bought an olive tree online for $38. Seriously, what am I doing?

Friday, March 14, 2008

# of times I have listened to "Let Down" by Radiohead this past week?


Favorite Radiohead song, hands down.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

AOL 2.0

Ok, my facebook account is now 'verified' and you can listen to songs there... actually only song at the moment, and you can listen to it on this website as well.

I am ignorant to the whole facebook thing but I assume you can use this link and become my 'friend' somehow.


Monday, March 3, 2008

Son of a

For crying out loud I went and joined Facebook. I was really, really hoping to avoid the 'new AOL' for all time but they just added band page capabilities. So I felt sort of obligated.

My account isn't 'verfied' yet, whatever that means, so I can't post music or videos. So I won't link to it until I can do that.

Should I make my first two albums available for 'free' (the Radiohead model)?

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Not much news lately because I've been busy working on the soundtrack to a short film. I will post it once it's finished.

The video for 'the 70s' has crossed the 100 views mark... this is not such a great deal, considering I am in a different video that has over 1,000,000 views, but I didn't think it would get that far this soon.

Whilst on youtube I happened to notice another video by a fellow LA musician called The One AM Radio. I think I've found my new favorite band. Check out these two videos:

A Brittle Filament
